Fish eat bugs (and sometimes sticks, stones and cigarette butts). They don’t know Latin and can’t count tail fibers. But what they do care about is efficient fly tying patterns. On these pages we have collected fly tying patterns for trout and grayling that actually catch fish. The patterns are divided into four main groups – The Mayflies, The Caddisflies, The Midges and Other. These main categories each have separate sub categories. Use the menu structure below to navigate.
Mayflies Fly Tying Patterns
These are our approach to mayfly imitations. All patterns tested and proven. The database is organized into the four obvious categories – nymphs, emergers, duns and spinners. Use the sub-menu below to access each category.

Caddis Fly Tying Patterns
The Caddis database is organized into the three natural categories – pupaes, emergers and adults. Use the sub-menu below to access each category.
Midge Fly Tying Patterns
Midges are fun to imitate. As above, the database is organized into the two obvious categories – emergers, buzzers and adults. Use the sub-menu below to access each category. Steal with pride.
Misc Fly Tying Patterns
The last category is the bucket list but nevertheless it contains the important stoneflies, terrestrials and attractors.