Turkey Biot BWO

Turkey Biot BWO Aurivilli

The turkey biot BWO  is a standard parachute dry fly. Noting much to it, other than a very effective fly that can be tied in any color variation to mach the hatch. 

Marginata Profile Dun

Marginata Profile Dun

The Marginata Profile Dun is really a variation of the Comparadun. It floats a bit lower in the water, and is thus best suited for those days when there’s no wind. The pattern yields crisp and well presented body profile.

Marginata Comparadun

Marginata Comparadun

The Claret Dun (Mahogany Dun), or Lepto’s as we call them in Norway, can offer fantastic opportunities. When the Marginata is hatching, I usually turn to this imitation of the Leptophlebia Marginata Comparadun.

Mayfly Profile Dun

Mayfly Profile Dun

The Mayfly Profile Dun is a good choice when the olives (Baetis) are popping up from the river bed. This is a pattern that presents a clear body profile to hungry trout.

Mayfly Gosling - Danica variant

Mayfly Gosling – Danica variant

This is a dry variant of the Gosling. The Mayfly Gosling – Danica Variant is a good alternative pattern when the most beautiful of all mayflies are hatching. I tend to use this fly when there is a slight breeze and the Mayfly is hatching in numbers.

Small Fall Baetis

A small fall Baetis

The Mohican Mayfly

The Mohican Mayfly 2.0 Ephemera Danica

The Mohican 2.0 is an extended body Mayfly that is based Olivier Edwards Mohican Mayfly pattern. This fly is virtually unsinkable and presents a convincing body and wing profile to the trout.  Tied correctly you can fish it throughout the day.

Sulphur No Hackle Dun


No Hackle II