
Danicaen i Trysil

Danicaen i Trysil blåser bort

Jeg og pappa har et felles prosjekt: Ten Rivers Trip. Hver sommer skal vi fiske i ti elver, hvor kun fem får lov til å være gamle favoritter. Fem elver, eller vann, må være nye. I år er vi på en tre uker lang fisketur med mange nye spennende vassdrag.

Danica Emerger

Danica Emerger

The Ephemera Danica is the largest mayfly in Norway. Measuring up to 2,5 centimeters (one inch) the hatch of this beautiful mayfly is the most important during the season. When these guys appear, the big and picky trout looks to the surface for food.

Tying Mohican Mayfly Step by Step

Tying Mohican Mayfly Step by Step

This Step-by-Step guide helps you tie the Mohican Mayfly 2.0. The fly is based on Oliver Edwards’ great pattern. The pattern is modified and simplified using modern fly tying techniques. The fly is also dubbed differently than the original. In this example the fly is tied to imitate an Ephemera Danica.

Danica Sulphur

The Danica and Sulphur in July

If you’re lucky you get to experience a Super Hatch. I was lucky to fish one this summer. The Danica and the Sulphur hatches were both peaking during the same days in July last years.


Fly tying season starts

The bitter cold winter is setting in as quickly as spring came this year. Sadly the fly fishing season has ended, but now the fly tying season starts.

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